jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Presidential Elections

Well, today I have to talk about presidential elections, although this topic does not like me very much, I will try to give my opinion about this.

First, I think the politic is not very useful because always are the same topics, problems, projects for working and proposals but the worst is the end, when the people had chosen any candidate and he does not keep his promises. This is a lamentable situation but it happens all time: In previous time for elections, they promise you the world but when they are chosen you can see only a little part of this world. Because of this, I think that the most healthy for people is that the candidates offers real situations, things that they can do in the future, if they are chosen for the community.

In this moment I am not registered in the Electoral Registry, but I do not if I do it in the future, maybe yes or maybe not (Sincerely I am not motivated for doing it now). So how you can see I am not going to vote in these presidential elections but if I could vote in this occasion I believe that I vote to candidate Jorge Arrate who represents the left in my country.
I am not very informed about the programs of different candidates but I had sawn some debates between their so I have some ideas about their positions. I do not like candidates who represent the right (for different reasons as their approach about economy, energy, social things and others) so I don’t vote for Piñera, for example. The others candidates have better programs in social, educational and security context I think, but I think they say things that people want to hear. But Arrate says concrete and specific things, things really credible and possible for doing.

For last, I don’t like to participate in politics in the future for the same reasons that I said in the beginning.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Sex education

Well, the topic for today’s activity is free, so I went to website http://www.guardian.co.uk/ and I chose a very interesting new for me, it is called “Sex education interrupts”. I have chosen this article because it speaks about the sex lessons in the primary and secondary school and how this kind of education has been taught until now in United Kingdom. Besides I chose this article because de sexuality is a matter very important and interesting for me, for studying it and because the sexuality has to be showed and taught without myths, taboos, and in a very good form in all its expressions. Apart from this, the combination between psychology and sexuality is so exciting and interesting and the education context is the better way for examples it, I think. Now I will talk to you about this exciting article.

In UK the sex education is taught to children in the schools but is not obligatory for them and the parents have the right to opt out from this kind of lessons. But now, a government’s reviews to consider teaching sex education at primary and secondary schools but in a compulsory way. Before parents might to withdraw their children until the end secondary school (even sixth formers. Wow it’s unacceptable, I think).

This new government’s review contemplates the sex education in a wide context and they hope for 2011 a complete process. It means sex education as part of personal, social, health and economic curriculum and obligatory for children aged 15 and up. So the parent could opt out their children but until 15.

I consider this review perfectly for the moment because is a good way for a responsible education and with quality but the most important teenagers could take sensible decisions.

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

Correcting to my classmate?

Well today I am going to talk about Carolina’s blog. We are classmates at University in the same career: Psychology. She is very nice and a great person and very smart too.

But for this occasion I have to take only one activity from Carolina’s blog and reading and then correct it, but I am not a English teacher, so I expect to do very god my job. In this activity (I am going to show it more forward) Carolina says many things about she expects of this course in this semester (I believe that you know we stay in the last level, number 4).

I think very similar to Carolina about topic that we could work in our blog, especially about pour believes and philosophy’s system and why not about our religion too. For example, Carolina likes oriental religion and philosophical system, such as Buddhism. I believe is very interesting knowing more about my classmates in other contexts and situations. Have my classmates any hobbies? Which ones? Do they practice any religion or deport or another activity out in the university? I think these questions are very interesting to know better my classmates. Besides is a funny way for meeting.

Well, that was about the activity. Now I have to inform you that my blog’s system did not allow me to put the correction in the website, so I had to send for e-mail to my teacher. However I will show you the link to Carolina’s blog. Enjoy it!

Link: http://hei-ma.blogspot.com/

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

My Faculty

Well, today I will speak to you about my Socials Sciences Faculty FACSO.
The current situation in my Faculty is very singular and complicated because the education that they give to me is the best in my country, this Faculty has the best psychological career I think but my Faculty belongs to “Universidad de Chile” so is a state and public university and then it means that we do not have all resources that we want and the principal problem is the infrastructure. And how we stay at university I think the best equipment place must be the library, but is not in my Faculty. Lamentably we have a library a little poor I think, it has book but not all the necessaries and the computer and informatics system is so awful, occasionally it do not working. Other element is the capacity because is not too much space and sometimes we have to go to others libraries in other faculties and this is not comfortable and I think this situation is a shame for us because is one the best universities from my country.
But I how can I improve this problem? Well, the principal and general problem is the infrastructure (because the library and other places are only examples) and for improving this trouble we need money, but I belong to state university so the money come from State. Then I believe the best form to resolve this is making a new educational politic, a politic that spent more in the infrastructure at state university because of this the students can improve their performance in a holistic form. Why? Because if the human been has places more comfortable to him, and to his development he can work happy and very good.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

The country I'd like to visit is...

Well, today I talk to you about some country I’d like to visit.

Sincerely is not easy to choose because I would like to visit a lot different countries such as Spain, Mexico, Scotland, Greece and others. So if somebody came to me and offer me a holidays for this summer I think that I’ll say “Greece”. Because I love mythology, art, philosophy and other typical elemental from the Greek Culture. Besides the weather are so cool and its older infrastructure too. Greece is a country with an exciting history, legends, and with an accent very singular. So for my holidays I will choose Greece because this country has an interesting culture for knowing, a good history, and a very good weather and places very pretty.

However, if somebody came to me and offer me study for a time in other country I think I will choose Spain because always I want to visit it and study hear because this country has many good investigations about relationship between Psychology and Sexuality and this one is an area from my career very exciting to me. Besides I have some friend in Spain and one cousin and I always admire the culture diversity in this country.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Stress of Level

Today I talk to you about a research study of Psychological Wellbeing Survey Report that includes a lot of indicators that enable to the psychologist understand people’s evaluations of their lives. This study to pretend to take consciousness and show us that not exist necessarily a directed relationship between development and wellbeing, that although economic growth the people has other necessities such as emotional, socials, and spirituals, and because of this the psychologist called to the government to include this essential necessities in the social program to made a lot better quality of live.

This research study includes different indicators such as happiness level, sources of happiness, selfishness, guilty and others. They are includes in four categories called life satisfaction, emotional well-being, spirituality and stress. But now I talk to you specifically about the stress indicator reflected in the stress level in the people and in the sources of stress for the people in their lives.

The principal sources of stress are the financial security, the death and illness and the social relationships (economical factor, security/integrity factor and the social/emotional factor I think). When the human being accumulate 3 strong stressor in one year this cause chronic stress because the level of serotonin dawn drastically in the brain and this more social and emotional factors principally begins a stress episode so dangerous for the people. If we see the stress level graph we can check these ideas because the people feel and perceive stress constantly: a 47% are somewhat stressful and a no minor 12% are very stressful. So a 59% of the people had stress in some grade.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

A interesting new

I’m going to talk you about a new that I read today called “Sick psychology of female sex criminals. It is a very interesting new because it explains or to try to explain because the women can commit sex crimes or other sort of savage acts for helping to her lovers. I choose this one because is not common to hear sex crime-woman relationship.

The article shows us different theories or ideas about causes of this psychopathological behavior such as, cultural influence, genetic influence, social influence and the emotional influence. The general idea says that the human being commit crime acts because the guilty and the remorse gets in the way of killing, and when I read this I thought about the Freudian concept called “individual with guilty conscience” in his article “Some characters in the psychoanalysis study”. In the new, the author says that genetic variable is very important in the human behavior, so in these cases of “criminals” the psychologist must pay attention to this factor. The cultural and social influences are easiest to explain because of the “socialization process”.

But the emotional variables are not easy to explain in the woman. In this case, the author says: “…The issue of why women abuse children and other women is such an emotional one that what people often fail to recognize is that there are more differences within the sexes than there are between them. Women can be just as aggressive and cruel as men, given the specific set of circumstances that brings forth that behavior…”

The catalyst to bring these behaviors to the surface, says the author, is the presence of a man who lacks the imagination to empathize with his victims or restrain his desire for power and sexual or violent gratification. So the woman sees herself in a dilemma: to help to procure the victim (humanity decision) or to risk losing her lover (if she doesn’t help him). Because of this, the woman commit crime acts because she think that she must help to her lover for avoiding that her lover ends up more interesting in the victim and not in her. Other theory says criminal men who not recognize to authorities choose to women with low self-esteem or low intelligence so these women so these women are dragged towards the crime. However, the author says today not exist a “universal theory” for explaining to the female criminal behavior.
