jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Presidential Elections

Well, today I have to talk about presidential elections, although this topic does not like me very much, I will try to give my opinion about this.

First, I think the politic is not very useful because always are the same topics, problems, projects for working and proposals but the worst is the end, when the people had chosen any candidate and he does not keep his promises. This is a lamentable situation but it happens all time: In previous time for elections, they promise you the world but when they are chosen you can see only a little part of this world. Because of this, I think that the most healthy for people is that the candidates offers real situations, things that they can do in the future, if they are chosen for the community.

In this moment I am not registered in the Electoral Registry, but I do not if I do it in the future, maybe yes or maybe not (Sincerely I am not motivated for doing it now). So how you can see I am not going to vote in these presidential elections but if I could vote in this occasion I believe that I vote to candidate Jorge Arrate who represents the left in my country.
I am not very informed about the programs of different candidates but I had sawn some debates between their so I have some ideas about their positions. I do not like candidates who represent the right (for different reasons as their approach about economy, energy, social things and others) so I don’t vote for Piñera, for example. The others candidates have better programs in social, educational and security context I think, but I think they say things that people want to hear. But Arrate says concrete and specific things, things really credible and possible for doing.

For last, I don’t like to participate in politics in the future for the same reasons that I said in the beginning.

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