jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

My Faculty

Well, today I will speak to you about my Socials Sciences Faculty FACSO.
The current situation in my Faculty is very singular and complicated because the education that they give to me is the best in my country, this Faculty has the best psychological career I think but my Faculty belongs to “Universidad de Chile” so is a state and public university and then it means that we do not have all resources that we want and the principal problem is the infrastructure. And how we stay at university I think the best equipment place must be the library, but is not in my Faculty. Lamentably we have a library a little poor I think, it has book but not all the necessaries and the computer and informatics system is so awful, occasionally it do not working. Other element is the capacity because is not too much space and sometimes we have to go to others libraries in other faculties and this is not comfortable and I think this situation is a shame for us because is one the best universities from my country.
But I how can I improve this problem? Well, the principal and general problem is the infrastructure (because the library and other places are only examples) and for improving this trouble we need money, but I belong to state university so the money come from State. Then I believe the best form to resolve this is making a new educational politic, a politic that spent more in the infrastructure at state university because of this the students can improve their performance in a holistic form. Why? Because if the human been has places more comfortable to him, and to his development he can work happy and very good.

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