sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My ideal job.

Since I read for the first time on Jung and his school of psychology, I always have thought of managing to be a psychoanalyst according to the viewpoint of the Analytical Psychology. I like so much this viewpoint than that of the Freudian Psychoanalysis, because I believe this kind of psychoanalysis is very limited to sexual impulses, principally.

Among the principal qualities and skills it is the knowledge, certainly. But is possible, I think, to specify it of the following way:

Qualities: The psychologist of this school must be a patient person when he listen the problems of his patients and he must be a sufficiently empathic person to connect of better form with them. Besides he must be capable of integrating all his knowledge of form to help in an integral form.
Skills: An analytical therapist needs to study and to dominate diverse areas of the knowledge, not alone psychology. The Analytical Psychology includes mythology, alchemy, dreams, folklore and others. Then, the analyst must dominate diverse skills and he must know how and when to occupy it.

I believe this field of the psychology is very interesting, and then I want to study it and to be an excellent professional, because I believe that it is a very good way of helping the persons, focusing in them as integral beings. The difficulty of finding a work of this type takes root in that the some people thinks psychoanalysis is not serious field because it sometimes lacking empirical solid bases.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi!!!

    I hope that you can have the job that want.
    Is a very complex area of psychoanalysis. Good luck with it and success.

  2. Hi Claudia!
    I do not like psychoanalysis, but I believe that is an area that has a strong theoretical framework behind. We wish success to reach your targets.

  3. hello!!
    that is a interesting job
    i agree that you would need knowledge, but I think that personal qualities are very relevant.

    good look!

  4. Suggestions

    "I have always thought"
    "he listens to .."
    "some people think.."

  5. hi!!! I think that's an interesting job too!!!
    I think if you want somethin, you have it.

    see you!

  6. Hi! I think that area of psychology is very interesting, but our ideals jobs are different, but the variety is good. See you!
