sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My ideal job.

Since I read for the first time on Jung and his school of psychology, I always have thought of managing to be a psychoanalyst according to the viewpoint of the Analytical Psychology. I like so much this viewpoint than that of the Freudian Psychoanalysis, because I believe this kind of psychoanalysis is very limited to sexual impulses, principally.

Among the principal qualities and skills it is the knowledge, certainly. But is possible, I think, to specify it of the following way:

Qualities: The psychologist of this school must be a patient person when he listen the problems of his patients and he must be a sufficiently empathic person to connect of better form with them. Besides he must be capable of integrating all his knowledge of form to help in an integral form.
Skills: An analytical therapist needs to study and to dominate diverse areas of the knowledge, not alone psychology. The Analytical Psychology includes mythology, alchemy, dreams, folklore and others. Then, the analyst must dominate diverse skills and he must know how and when to occupy it.

I believe this field of the psychology is very interesting, and then I want to study it and to be an excellent professional, because I believe that it is a very good way of helping the persons, focusing in them as integral beings. The difficulty of finding a work of this type takes root in that the some people thinks psychoanalysis is not serious field because it sometimes lacking empirical solid bases.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience...

Well. In the beginning I thought that blogging experience was very difficult for me, because it was the first time, but in the course I could to improve in my English. However I do not enjoy it so much because I have English on Thursday all day and sometimes I need study or I need do some jobs. Besides, the blogging class is the second part class, and then sometimes I am not in good spirits to continue in class, although the class blogging is easier and faster. But a thing that I enjoy is when I finish my exercise in the blog and then I can spent my rest time class for watching my facebook, or for doing a jobs, or for reading or for speaking with my friends on MSN Messenger.

The blogging experience helped me to improve my English so much; because of this I can speak English in a more fluent form. Besides I could learnt new words and new techniques concepts connected to my career (Psychology).

Then, the blogging in the English class has advantages but it has disadvantages too. In the advantages we can find that blogging experience improves the English in the students. In my development, for example, I can get better in my English abilities. Other advantage is the web format because I did not have blog, so I must do it a new for my English class and I learnt the “world of the Blogs” and their dynamics. In the disadvantage we can find the time, because my English blog class is immediately after than my theoretical English class, then I spent much time that day in the university and I waste time for studying for my exams. Other disadvantage is when the computer system has a low connection to internet, and then is more difficult to post the exercise on Blog Web.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The value of the creativity

In the video, Ken Robinson speaks to us on the value of the creativity in the children, considering it to be a very important tool in the education of the children. But he says that the schools and the educational system in everywhere do not develop this type of tool because it considers them to be low and they worry about promoting the “formal intelligence". Then, he says that that the educational system of now worries much more of the traditional tools for mathematics and language, for example. And this form of education does not allow developing other tools, such as creativity, and this don’t allow developing “artistic tools” in the children.

Ken argues that the being human has a complex brain and it is dividing in two parts: Artistic and Rational, but the schools only develops in the children the last one part and this is wrong, says Ken. Because the creativity is a very important for an integral development of the intelligence and the education.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Favourite Subject

In my first year at the university my favourite subject is psychology. I have this subject twice a week and the teacher than teach me is called Juan Enrique Wilson. I like so much this subject because is the subject more important in my first term and it is directly connected with my career. Besides this subject contain many different and interesting contents about basic psychological topics.
Then, psychologist subject is very important, because it provide me the basic and elemental tools, knowledge and abilities for being a good psychologist.
In psychology I have learnt many different issues. First and for introducing in the area, you can learn about the different psychology areas (Clinical, Educational, Social…). Later there are other topics such as study of memory, motivation, cognitive development, etc.
A very important thing that the teacher taught us in the class is that Psychology is a transversal discipline, then we have study other areas too and this way we can see the problems in a integral form. For remembering this, the teacher says us: “Look the forest not the tree”.